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other creative endeavours

Poetry has been part of my life for a long time. In my parents' house, there is a book without a name. I found out early on that it wasn't like any other, but a very well-kept secret: nothing else but my father's teenage poetry book, full of sonnets with complex rhymes. I often secretly opened that book and read it, though I didn't always understand what the poems were about.


Then one day, when I was 13 years old, I was given the assignment to write a poem during a Portuguese lesson. Oh, the pressure, the fear, the anxiety of not finding the right words! So I wrote a poem entitled "Odeio poesia" (I Hate Poetry). It was a success. I got addicted, and I have never stopped writing poetry since then.


I have compiled a book, though it remains unpublished. It’s titled Há que ser rio (You Shall Be Like a River) and it awaits for the right moment to become public. As a musician, I’m accustomed to having my creative work critiqued and judged—an expected part of the profession. But poetry has always been my sanctuary, a deeply personal space hidden from most who know me. Writing poetry feels like a soul bath, a spiritual exercise, a bridge between my subconscious and the ego that must conform to the daily demands of life. For years, my poems have existed solely as an intimate dialogue with myself, meant for that purpose alone.

One day, however, I will share them—offering my words to those who are curious and willing to listen.

​I leave you with a poem, written some years ago.


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